Student government of IICS. Consists of committee members that hold executive powers equivalent to that of a cabinet in any government body. Drafts policies that are driven to protect and safeguard the welfare and benefits of IICS’s student community; receives feedbacks and complaints to be referred to the management alongside with SSD.
Consists of the presidents and vice-presidents of all INTIMA-registered clubs and societies, and members of the academic commission that comprises of 2 representatives from all schools and faculties in IICS. Has legislative powers equivalent to that of a parliament in any government body, meaning it can pass proposal of decisions tabled by INTIMA by vote. Members of the ILPC can also table suggestions and recommendations to student welfare policies for debate and voting. Meetings convened during the ILPC shall also function as regular updates on what each club is working on, what schools and faculties are working on. Members are encouraged to seek assistance during the meeting should help be required for any of the member’s respective projects or events.
Consists of representatives from all schools and faculties of IICS. Representatives on the AC will consist of any two of the top 3 council member for a faculty club. Should a school or faculty have no establishment of a representing club, the school's dean will be given the power to appoint two students from the school to sit on the AC and act as a member of the ILPC. Representatives from the AC will act as contact point for students who have feedback regarding academic matters.
INTIMA Affiliates/Clubs and Societies
The clubs and societies registered with INTIMA in IICS. Only presidents and vice-presidents (also known as the top 3) are eligible to sit on the ILPC. The top 3 shall be the contact points of students registered with the club, should they have any feedback pertaining to extra-curricular matters. These matters will discussed during the meeting of ILPC’s meeting.
INTIMA Service Cell (ISC)
The ISC can be considered junior EXCO members of INTIMA. They will be involved in the organization of events, proposing ideas for the drafting of policies under the guidance of INTIMA EXCO members. Members of the ISC will be directly appointed by INTIMA. Application to sit on the ISC will be opened to students. They will sit in ILPC’s meetings, but will not have powers to vote for the passing of policies.
The purpose of IEC’s establishment will be to facilitate the election of new INTIMA EXCO members and to recruit candidates who are interested in sitting on the INTIMA EXCO board. Only members of the ILPC (excluding INTIMA EXCOs) can be appointed to the IEC. Appointment of IEC members will be facilitated on the advice of SSD.
Liaison, monitoring and advisory body of INTIMA and the INTIMA Legislative and Parliamentary Council (ILPC). Only provides advice in major decision-making processes. It sits in the ILPC, but INTIMA and ILPC makes the final decision. Also the highest authoritative judicial and disciplinary body. Meaning it will have judicial powers to sanction, sentence, suspend, punish or dismiss INTIMA, any INTIMA EXCO or any member of the ILPC when necessary.