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45TH INTIMA 2021
"United in All Our Endeavours"
1. To promote and protect the welfare and privileges of the students within the Institution.
2. To secure the greatest student participation in the Institution’s immediate governance and policy development at all levels.
3. To secure the autonomy in its operations and over student life, services and interests.
4. To provide a platform for hearing and take action on students’ voices regarding academics, education, administration, services, amenities, co-curricular activities and their ideas, interests and concerns.
5. To provide communication links between the Institution’s management and students.
6. To ensure the exercise of fairness in its governance and policy development.
7. To promote and safeguard the quality of education and student development within the Institution.
8. To uphold the order, passion for people, spirit of service, unity, justice, discipline, dignity and integrity within the student community.
9. To manage the resources entrusted to it by the Institution.
10. To encourage campus vibrancy and interactions among students of all diversities.
11. To supervise, support and regulate the activities of all its' internal affiliates.
12. To resolve conflicts arise within the student community.
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